
GEBCO Gridded Bathymetric Datasets for mapping Japan Trench geomorphology by means of GMT scripting toolset


The study investigated geomorphology of the Japan Trench located east of Japan, Pacific Ocean. A high-resolution GEBCO Gridded Bathymetric Dataset was used for modeling, mapping and visualization. The study aimed to compare and analyse variations in the geomorphic structures of the two parts of the trench and to visualize variations in the geological, geophysical and bathymetric settings. Technically, the cartographic work was performed using scripting based on the Generic Mapping Toolset (GMT). Modelled cross-sectioning orthogonal profiles transecting the trench in a perpendicular direction were automatically digitized and graphed in the two segments. The results of the bathymetric analysis shown that the southern part is shallower: with deeper values in absolute (139 samples between –7000 to –8000 m) and statistical records (the most frequent values are within –5500 to –5800 m) comparing to the northern segment (–5300 to –5500 m). The geomorphological analysis shows a more complicated relief in the northern part of the trench, which has a higher seismic activity. The southern part has a gentler slope on the Honshu island side. The geoid modeling along the trench ranges in 0–20 mGal. The highest values are recorded by the Honshu Island (>40 mGal). The rest of the area has rather moderate undulations (20–40 mGal). The free-air marine gravity of the Sea of Japan is <40 mGal. The results include 2D and 3D graphical models, thematic cartographic maps, spatial and statistical analysis of the Japan Trench geomorphology. Tested GMT functionality can be applied to future regional bathymetric modeling of the ocean trenches. All presented maps and graphs are made using GMT scripting toolset.

Keyword : GMT, cartography, geoinformatics, geospatial analysis, Japan Trench

How to Cite
Lemenkova, P. (2020). GEBCO Gridded Bathymetric Datasets for mapping Japan Trench geomorphology by means of GMT scripting toolset. Geodesy and Cartography, 46(3), 98-112.
Published in Issue
Oct 8, 2020
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