
Multiobjective approach to portfolio optimization in the light of the credibility theory

    Fernando Garcia   Affiliation
    ; Jairo González-Bueno   Affiliation
    ; Francisco Guijarro   Affiliation
    ; Javier Oliver   Affiliation
    ; Rima Tamošiūnienė   Affiliation


The present research proposes a novel methodology to solve the problems faced by investors who take into consideration different investment criteria in a fuzzy context. The approach extends the stochastic mean-variance model to a fuzzy multiobjective model where liquidity is considered to quantify portfolio’s performance, apart from the usual metrics like return and risk. The uncertainty of the future returns and the future liquidity of the potential assets are modelled employing trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. The decision process of the proposed approach considers that portfolio selection is a multidimensional issue and also some realistic constraints applied by investors. Particularly, this approach optimizes the expected return, the risk and the expected liquidity of the portfolio, considering bound constraints and cardinality restrictions. As a result, an optimization problem for the constraint portfolio appears, which is solved by means of the NSGA-II algorithm. This study defines the credibilistic Sortino ratio and the credibilistic STARR ratio for selecting the optimal portfolio. An empirical study on the S&P100 index is included to show the performance of the model in practical applications. The results obtained demonstrate that the novel approach can beat the index in terms of return and risk in the analyzed period, from 2008 until 2018.

First published online 8 October 2020

Keyword : evolutionary multiobjective optimization, fuzzy portfolio selection, mean-CVaR-liquidity, mean-semivariance-liquidity, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, NSGA-II, credibilistic sortino ratio, credibilistic STARR ratio

How to Cite
Garcia, F., González-Bueno, J., Guijarro, F., Oliver, J., & Tamošiūnienė, R. (2020). Multiobjective approach to portfolio optimization in the light of the credibility theory. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 26(6), 1165-1186.
Published in Issue
Nov 17, 2020
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