
Creativity forward: a framework that integrates data analysis techniques to foster creativity within the creative process in user experience contexts

    Juan Carlos Quiñones-Gómez   Affiliation


The latest technological advancements allow users to generate a large volume of data related to their experiences and needs. However, the absence of an advanced methodology that links the big data and the creative process prevents the effective use of the data and extracting all its potential and knowledge in this context, which is crucial in offering user-centred solutions. Incorporating data creatively and critically as design material can help us learn and understand user needs better. Therefore, design can bring deeper meaning to data, just as data can enhance design practice. Accordingly, this work raises a reflection on whether designers could appropriate the workflow of data science in order to integrate it into the research process in the creative process within a framework of user experience analysis. The proposed model: data-driven design model, enhances the exploratory design of problem space and assists in the creation of ideas during the conceptual design phase. In this way, this work offers an integrated vision, enhancing creativity in industrial design as an instrument for the achievement of the proper and necessary balance between intuition and reason, design, and science.

Keyword : big data, creative process, creativity, data-driven design, design, methodology, user experience

How to Cite
Quiñones-Gómez, J. C. (2021). Creativity forward: a framework that integrates data analysis techniques to foster creativity within the creative process in user experience contexts. Creativity Studies, 14(1), 51-73.
Published in Issue
Feb 25, 2021
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