
Addressing present challenges in the life-cycle of wetlands management to successfully integrate sustainability and good governance

    Judita Tomaškinová Affiliation
    ; Ján Tomaškin Affiliation
    ; Hubert Theuma Affiliation
    ; Andrés F. Alcántara Valero Affiliation
    ; Vincent Attard Affiliation


The assessment of management effectiveness during the whole life-cycle process of protected areas (PAs) has become increasingly important, due to the lack of holistic background assessment work on management processes leading to a deeper knowledge of sustainable development (SD) principles. This paper aims to serve as a practical guide through a gradation model of integrated protected area management (IPAM) by carrying out an exhaustive trans-dimensional assessment of management effectiveness, identifying a critical field of activities and developing a framework mix of strategic recommendations leading to the implementation of an effective planning process. Our results could aid in the prioritisation of key decisions towards a more in-depth understanding of how to set up a balanced IPAM, as well as to enable managers and decision-makers to focus on activities that can further pre-established aims and reach the goal of five-dimensional sustainability in terms of SD and good governance.

Keyword : wetland, protected area, life-cycle assessment, governance, sustainability, participation

How to Cite
Tomaškinová, J., Tomaškin, J., Theuma, H., Alcántara Valero, A. F., & Attard, V. (2021). Addressing present challenges in the life-cycle of wetlands management to successfully integrate sustainability and good governance. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 29(1), 48-60.
Published in Issue
Mar 9, 2021
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