
In order to provide free access to readers, and to cover the costs of peer-review, copyediting, typesetting, long-term archiving, and Journal management, an Article Publishing Charge (APC) is applied to papers accepted after peer-review. 

Since 1 January 2022, a fixed APC of 400 EUR is going to be applied for all submitted manuscripts (minimum manuscript extent is 6 pages; maximum manuscript extent is not limited).

Research journal TRANSPORT is constantly seeking growth and this year we took another significant step forward.

Thus, we are pleased to announce that this year we are not only celebrating the 35-year anniversary of the research journal TRANSPORT, but the journal also became a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Please find more details on:


ACRONIM of the Special Issue: MCDM-STS

Transportation systems have been changing at a fast pace in recent decades and are becoming greener and more sustainable. Planning and policy-making for these systems have become more complicated and accordingly, demands many new infrastructures. By the end of this decade, quite a few cities will finish the new projects during which the cities pave the road of sustainability in the greenest ways.