
Local determinants of driving behaviours: Installation Theory interventions to reduce fuel consumption among truck drivers in Colombia

    Paulius Yamin Affiliation
    ; Saadi Lahlou Affiliation
    ; Santiago Ortega Affiliation
    ; Viktor Skrickij Affiliation


Eco-driving has been linked to considerable reductions in negative externalities and costs for transportation companies, employees and communities (including fuel consumption, safety and emission benefits). Nevertheless, some of the biggest challenges to its implementation are related to promoting behavioural change among drivers. This paper presents the results of three behavioural field interventions that were successful to improve fuel efficiency in heavy freight transportation. The interventions brought further improvement even though the target company already had strong training, incentive, control and feedback procedures in place. The Installation Theory framework and the Subjective Evidence-Based Ethnography (SEBE) technique were used to systematically analyse determinants of driving behaviours, and to design cost-effective behavioural interventions based on social norms. The effects of three interventions were then tested using a pre-test post-test control group design among 211 drivers of the company. Results show significant decreases in average monthly fuel consumption of up to 4% in month 1 and up to 4.5% in month 3. Our findings show (with certain qualifications), that the Installation Theory framework and social norm interventions can be a cost-effective method to improve fuel efficiency in road freight transport companies, even when strong training, incentive, control and feedback procedures are already in place.

First published online 20 January 2021

Keyword : eco-driving, fuel consumption, driving behaviour, installation theory, subjective evidence-based ethnography, social norms, behavioural interventions, field experiment

How to Cite
Yamin, P., Lahlou, S., Ortega, S., & Skrickij, V. (2020). Local determinants of driving behaviours: Installation Theory interventions to reduce fuel consumption among truck drivers in Colombia. Transport, 35(6), 616-634.
Published in Issue
Dec 31, 2020
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